Monday 13 January 2019

While most of us in the Band have been taking a break over Christmas, our youngest member - Riley Daniels, hasn't put his cornet down!
On Christmas Day Riley and his Grandfather Brian (also a Dandenong Band member) joined the Metropolitan Fire Brigade's Once-a-Year Club to entertain and bring Christmas cheer to patients and their families at The Royal Children's Hospital. This is such a lovely tradition run by the MFB & the RCH that started 90 years ago. Well done and thank you to Riley & Brian for offering their time and talents on Christmas Day to those that are spending it in hospital.
And for the past week Riley has taken part in the Bright Brass and Percussion Summer Intensive which is a week-long music camp held in the beautiful surrounds of Bright. The musicians attending this camp worked with some of Australia’s finest brass and percussion conductors and tutors to develop their talents whilst learning the art of community music making in a socially inclusive environment. Our new Musical Director - Jamie Lawson, is a key organiser, tutor, and conductor for this program, so thank you and congratulations Jamie on a brilliant event!
At least we know that one of our members will be in form when Band rehearsals start again this week ... not sure sure about the rest of the Band!